Plans in for next 1,600-home phase of East London estate

Malaysian developer EcoWorld London and housing association Poplar HARCA have submitted revised plans for the next phase of the 20-year long Aberfeldy estate redevelopment in East London.

The next phase of the Tower Hamlets scheme, Aberfeldy West, will see 1,600 homes built, alongside up to 25,500 sq ft of new retail space and up to 29,100 sq ft of new offices.

The developers are seeking detailed permission for Phase A and outline permission for the rest of the masterplan site in Poplar.

Subject to planning consent, it is hoped that the next phase of works at Aberfeldy Street and Blairgowie House can start on site in late 2022/early 2023.

Phase A will deliver new homes on Aberfeldy Street, at Blairgowrie Court and on Lochnagar Street.

The following phases will be delivered in stages between 2026 and 2032.

At the heart of the plans to improve connectivity across Poplar are the proposals to transform the existing Abbott Road underpass into Highland Place.

The expanded development plan will also see new public realm, including a public park, Highland Park, and a new town square at the end of Aberfeldy Street.

Connections will be created across the A12 to improve links to Poplar and Newham.

The new masterplan is being designed by architects, Levitt Bernstein, working alongside a design team comprising of Morris+Company, LDA Design and ZCD Architects.

The new masterplan is an extension of the previously approved Aberfeldy Village Masterplan, which received outline planning consent in 2012.

Phases 1, 2 and 3a have been completed on site and are now occupied.

Phase 3b is currently on site and is due for completion within the next year, by which time the project will have delivered 901 homes of all tenures alongside a residents’ gym and lounge, a 75,350 sq ft public park, a new community centre and public art created in collaboration with the community.

Heng Leong Cheong, Chief Executive at EcoWorld London said: “We are proud of the positive change we have already delivered at Aberfeldy Village and this new masterplan will build on the success of our decade-long partnership with Poplar Harca.

“We are very grateful to have received such strong support from the community for our plans to deliver new homes, community facilities, a revitalised commercial centre and green spaces in Poplar.

“We look forward working together with them, Poplar Harca, LB Tower Hamlets, the GLA and TfL to make this exciting and ambitious masterplan a reality.”


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