Hill gets nod for 420-home East Cambridge phase 2

Hill Group and joint venture partner Marshall have secured planning for the 420-home second phase of the Marleigh development in East Cambridge.

This new phase will run in conjunction with the current phase to deliver 550 homes, a primary school, market square and community centre over the next five years.

Construction will start on site to build the homes in early 2022, when a mix of private and affordable apartments and homes will be delivered as part of the long term masterplan.

Every new home will feature a range of energy-saving and carbon reduction features, including fabric first designs, air-source heat pumps and photovoltaics.

Andy Hill of Hill Marshall JV said: “We are delighted to have secured planning for the delivery of more homes and community facilities in this exciting new neighbourhood in East Cambridge, which has attracted a broad mix of buyers already.

“We have an unwavering commitment to supporting the wider Cambridge local economy, and it has been excellent to see our efforts supported through this latest approval.”

Phase 2 has been underpinned by the vision and essential placemaking principles set out in the Design Code, created for the wider master plan.

As a result, the material palette has been carefully chosen to comply with the Design Code and features a diverse range of high-quality brickwork in a range of colours and textures. These materials establish an exciting street scene and integrate with the emerging character that has been developed in Phase 1.

Extensive cycle parking provisions have been incorporated for all residents, including the apartment buildings, each with a dedicated secure bike store close to the entrance.

The project team for Marleigh phase 2 includes Terence O’Rourke, JTP LLP, Bradley Murphy Design and WSP.

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