L&Q starts hunt for key groundwork and RC frame firms

The in-house contractor for housing association London and Quadrant is establishing a set of dynamic purchasing agreements with key subcontractors.

Subsidiary Quadrant Construction Services is tendering for the provision of services for groundwork, RC frame, external works and piling for self-delivered new build projects.

The move is part of the push by L&Q to step up self-delivery of new homes going forward.

In the medium term it is hoping to deliver an annual programme of at least 3,000 completions.

Following the establishment of the DPS framework, L&Q will conduct mini-competition tenders between all capable contractors on a project by project basis.

All tendering will be conducted using L&Q’s In-Tend E-Procurement Portal.

Proposed London lots will cover work packages up to £5m and larger packages over £5m.

For more information click here.


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