Winners imminent for £7bn schools framework

The Department for Education is set to confirm contractors who have won places on its £7bn school building programme over the next four years.

The Enquirer understands a number of new names will be on the roster for the schools and further education colleges mega framework.

The tender race started back in January to become part of the latest panel of preferred contractors to refresh the current list of 33 incumbents.

Firms have been bidding for 22 lots. For high-value projects over £12m, England is being split again into north and south regional panels of building contractors.

Medium value projects between around £5m and £12m will be divided into eight regional lots and lower value schemes a dozen regional lots.

Winners are being given the good news now with an official announcement by the the government due within the days.

One bidder said: “It’s been a long drawn-out bidding process and a lot of work but it will be worth it because there’s a decent chunk of work in the pipeline.”